In Scotland the weather in October and November can turn stormy and wild bringing a intense grey beauty to this part of the United Kingdom. Helmsdale faces the North Sea so when a storm happens it bears the brunt of some fierce weather, particularly when the tide is high. The high winds and tidal surges affect the harbour and river inlet with dramatic surges of water, however, as the photo below shows the fishing boats are protected by the shape of the harbour.
A recent trip to Helmsdale coincided with some stormy weather yet there is no doubt this is the best time to appreciate a warm, cosy and welcoming environment. Valhalla Holiday Home is a cosy centrally heated house with a wood burner in the lounge for added comfort and atmosphere. After an afternoon taking some photographs around the area and getting a bit soggy Valhalla was a welcome relief to return to and enjoy!
View from the hill behind Valhalla looking down onto the harbour during a recent storm
High gusts of wind created dramatic wave surges over the harbour wall
High Tide at Helmsdale Harbour
A local taking it all in his stride and enjoying the view
Helmsdale Harbour wall bearing the brunt of the storm
The storm starts to pass
Calmer weather ahead.....