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Easter weekend in Helmsdale saw some fine weather - my sister and I took a last minute decision to head north to Valhalla for the weekend and sure enough the weather was good enough to get out and about for some fresh Highland air, and to take some photographs of spring. Its a great place to wind down from the pace of this century life and to enjoy nature in the moment, which are my two favourite things to do in life right now!
Helmsdale sits at the mouth of a river that meets the sea, so as well as having views of Helmsdale river, the harbour and the North Sea it also has magnificent views up to the mountains beyond the village.
This time of year is a great time for some much needed colour in the area. In the Highlands it's the time of year for daffodils and daisies, but also for the start of the spectacular yellow gorse that brightens up the still wintry brown hills.
The gorse on the hill behind Helmsdale is renowned for its dazzling display in May and by the looks of things so far, this year is not going to disappoint. It is worth noting these plants have perilously extensive thorns on them so should be treated carefully and with respect, or just avoid when walking in the hills.
The best bit for me personally are the views up and down Helmsdale River from one of our relative's cottage on the hill opposite the village. The views from this east facing cottage over the entire landscape of village, river, mountains and sea are extraordinary. Its a great vantage point to spot moving herds of deer on the hills or flocks of flying geese up the Strath, although sadly not on this particular weekend.
One of my earliest memories of holidaying in Helmsdale at my grandparents cottage was the sound of the clock tower bell ringing throughout the day and the birds chirping from early morning - those memories were enriched even more on this visit. They help to create another century atmosphere which decompresses all who visit. (Rather disturbingly that in-the-moment nostalgia also can be misleading, and makes me think I see the outline of my grandfather wearing his flat cap on walking across Sutherland Street - eek!)
Helmsdale feels like a rare slow time dimension that the rest of the world does not yet know about .... and, despite my grandfather's unlikely presence, I still like it that way.
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